Aditya-L1 : Nothing That Can Withstand the Sun: Aditya-L1 to Embark Shortly

2 min read

After the successful Chandrayaan mission, ISRO is now turning its attention towards the Sun. Aditya-L1 will be launched today during the PSLV vacation. This rocket will be launched shortly. Aditya-L1 is being sent to the Sun for various research purposes, where it will provide live information at a single click.

To bridge the gap between Earth and the Sun, Aditya-L1 will be placed at the L1 point. The distance between the Sun and Earth is about 15 crore kilometers. However, L1 is situated at a distance of 15 lakh kilometers from the Sun. Gathering as much information as possible about the Sun is the main goal of this mission. ISRO’s solar mission aims to uncover many mysteries related to the Sun, such as the reasons behind solar storms and the impact of solar waves on Earth’s environment.


The launch of Aditya is scheduled for 11:50 AM today. The live launch of Aditya-L1 will begin directly at 11:20 AM.

You can watch it here:
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Facebook Page: www.Facebook.isro

aditya-l1 isro

The temperature of the photosphere, the outer layer of the Sun, is approximately 5,500 degrees Celsius. In contrast, the core of the Sun reaches an astounding temperature of 15 million degrees Celsius. In such extreme conditions, no vehicle or spacecraft can survive. No object has been created on Earth that can withstand the heat of the Sun. Aditya-L1 will be so close to the Sun that it will endure such high temperatures. Additionally, the spacecraft’s instruments are designed to withstand these extreme conditions.

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