After a fire broke out in the emergency ward of AIIMS in Delhi, it was temporarily closed.

3 min read

A significant incident unfolded on Monday at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in Delhi when a fire broke out near the emergency ward. According to reports, the incident came to light around 11:54 AM when the authorities were alerted to the presence of a fire in close proximity to the emergency ward. The response was swift, with six fire tenders promptly dispatched to the scene to combat the blaze.


Sources within AIIMS have confirmed that the fire has since been brought under control, thanks to the coordinated efforts of the firefighting teams. The hospital’s director also made his way to the scene to oversee the situation and ensure that all necessary measures were being taken to address the incident.

Monday’s unfortunate incident near the emergency ward at AIIMS in Delhi necessitated the temporary closure of this critical medical facility. The decision to close the emergency ward temporarily was made in the interest of safety and until further assessments could be carried out to ensure the area was safe for patients and staff.

Patients who would have otherwise sought treatment at AIIMS’ emergency ward were redirected to Safdarjung Hospital, a nearby medical facility equipped to handle urgent medical cases. Hospital staff and volunteers were stationed at AIIMS’ entrance to provide information and guidance to patients and their families, ensuring a smooth transition of care to the alternative facility.

Sources from within AIIMS have provided details about the location of the fire. It was reported to have broken out in the endoscopy room, situated on the second floor of the hospital, directly above the emergency ward. The endoscopy room, a crucial component of the hospital’s diagnostic and treatment capabilities, had to be evacuated swiftly to ensure the safety of patients and staff.

As of now, official information regarding the cause of the fire is not yet available. Investigations are likely underway to determine the origin and circumstances that led to the fire near the emergency ward at AIIMS. Fire incidents in healthcare facilities are taken very seriously, and a thorough inquiry will help prevent similar occurrences in the future.

Ensuring the safety and well-being of patients is always a top priority in any medical institution, and AIIMS is no exception. The decision to temporarily close the emergency ward was made with this paramount concern in mind, and it reflects the hospital’s commitment to providing the highest standard of care to its patients.

While the incident undoubtedly caused disruption and concern, it also serves as a reminder of the dedication and professionalism of the healthcare and emergency response teams at AIIMS. Their swift action in response to the fire played a pivotal role in preventing the situation from escalating further and in protecting the lives of patients and staff.

In conclusion, the incident at AIIMS on Monday was a challenging situation that required a rapid and coordinated response. The hospital’s management and emergency services acted decisively to address the fire near the emergency ward, ensuring the safety of all involved. As investigations progress, more details may emerge about the incident’s cause, but for now, the focus remains on providing uninterrupted healthcare services to those in need while safeguarding the well-being of all.

More: AIIMS: Pioneering Healthcare and Medical Research in India

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